S&T VIP Rewards is a loyalty program offered by Sophie & Trey.
To participate in Rewarding Moments, customers must be at least 18 years old. A customer may become a member by enrolling online at www.sophieandtrey.com or signing up at Sophie & Trey, 4th &O Ocean, Tria or Statements by S&T. To enroll, you must provide a valid email address, phone number and your first and last name. Enrollment is free, and no purchase is necessary. Customers who purchase items for resale and customers shipping orders outside of the United States ARE INELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE in the Program.
Customers who enroll in the Program agree to receive loyalty specific email messages with information about their accounts, as well as other promotional emails and marketing from Sophie & Trey.
Points can be earned on any purchase online at www.sophieandtrey.com. For each $1 spent on merchandise items purchased while enrolled in the program, the Member will earn 1 point. Points cannot be earned on non-merchandise items, such as shipping gift wrap, and gift cards. Points are earned on the net purchase amount after applying all discounts, offers, coupons, and rewards redemptions. Members must be signed into their Sophie & Trey account at the time of purchase to receive points. Points earned for returned merchandise will be deducted from the Member’s account. Points cannot be sold or traded and are not transferable unless otherwise expressly stated.
Once a member earns 300 points, a $15 reward will be available to redeem. The member is responsible for keeping the account contact information current and updated. No responsibility is assumed for incorrect addresses or failure of email to be received. Rewards can only be used for merchandise items and will be deducted from the transaction total before any other coupons or promotional offers are applied. The value of the Reward is prorated over each of the items purchased. Rewards cannot be sold or traded and are not transferable unless otherwise expressly stated. Rewards have no cash value. Any Customer who returns merchandise acquired with a Reward will receive a new Reward.
The VIP Rewards program online is run separate from our in store reward programs at Sophie & Trey, 4th & Ocean, Tria and Statements by S&T. If a customer would like to transfer points from online to in store or from in store to online they can email us at info@sophieandtrey.com. To make a transfer both accounts have to have the same first and last name registered. If the transfer is requested Monday through Friday by 11am the transfer is processed the same day. If the transfer is requested after 11am we will complete the transfer no later than the end of day the next business day.
These terms and conditions, as well as any program elements, may be amended, updated, changed or terminated at any time at the discretion of Sophie & Trey. Notification of any such event, including the effective date, will be posted at www.sophieandtrey.com. If you disagree with a change, your sole remedy is to cease participating in the program.